Row Row Your Boat Masonic Meaning

row row your boat masonic meaning

Row, row, row your boat is something we sing to our children all the time but are we taking the words to heart? find out the true meaning of this loved tune and use it to change your perspective. Man reveals true meaning of “row your boat” children’s song, his insights gave me chills. josh starling . posted: august 5, 2016. next story. more stories like this. row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.. Wow my eyes just were opened up to the meaning of the nursery rhyme that i’ve never thought before. i just randomly sang it today…"row, row, row your boat,gently down the stream. merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream". bam!! "life is but a dream" it kicked in. such a strong meaning and ….

row row your boat masonic meaning Krs-one also called “row, row, row your boat” a masonic poem to illustrate his point. he said that freemasons veil the truth, but it is there for the taking. “secrets are put into the craft.
